
Friday, April 23, 2010

I learned on the news, New York banned salt from being served in restaurants.

thank God
now while I'm scarfing down my five, triple stack Big Mac's in the "fresh" New york air
I won't have to fret about my salt intake

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Which is better the Hot Jocks or the sexy Preppy

what do you find better
personally I like the ones with the industrial strength paper bag on their head
so we match

Could you date yourself?

first I would turn the lights down lowww
then I would chase my ear around and when I catch it
I would whisper sweet nothings into it
then I would cut a hot pocket in half and intertwin my arms and feed it to me
all the while playing footsy with me
then when I go in for the kiss I would......
I would start shouting
!No I'm not being condesending!
!No you can't take dance lessons!
then I would put baby food on a teddybear and name it Joseph
then pace around the room and wonder where did me go wrong